LGO is today satisfied to report that its most recent advancement well, GY-675, at its lead Goudron Field improvement in Trinidad, came to aggregate profundity at 3,660 feet measured profundity ("MD") on 30 June 2014. Electric log elucidation from both the Goudron Sandstone and C-sand interims affirm the vicinity of recoverable hydrocarbons with the net hydrocarbon pay in the C-sand primary target assessed as 260 feet. The following great, GY-676, in the 2015 system has now been spudded.
Neil Ritson, LGO's CEO, remarked:
"Our C-sand boring system at Goudron is advancing amazingly well and we are presently on our fifth well in 2015. In parallel, the generation testing of the initial three wells bored for the current year is giving some reassuring results and we want to have last stream rates from that work in the blink of an eye. Moreover the as of late distributed stores evaluation shows we have noteworthy upside to seek after the present seven well boring crusade."
Well GY-675 is the fourth of seven wells as of now anticipated 2015 and the first well from boring Cushion 5 in the north-east of the field. Net oil pay in the Goudron Sandstone was experienced somewhere around 630 and 1,560 feet with an expected 330 feet of aggregate net pay. The oil bearing C-sand interim was experienced somewhere around 2,015 and 3,020 feet MD. Net hydrocarbon bearing pay in the C-sand interim is evaluated as 260 feet. These watched net pay zones are in accordance with desires for this well.
Well GY-675 has now been effectively cased for future creation and the apparatus has been moved to the second area on Cushion 5 where it has spudded the fifth well of the 2015 project, GY-676, which is wanted to be penetrated to an aggregate profundity of 3,640 feet MD (3,400 feet TVDss) at an area 325 feet north-west of the surface area. Well GY-676 is at the end of the day focusing on a C-sand repository interim and the top Gros Morne sandstone store (upper C-sand) is foreseen at 1,935 feet MD (1,700 feet TVDss).
Qualified Individual's Announcement:
The data contained in this declaration has been checked on and affirmed by Neil Ritson, CEO and Executive for LGO Vitality plc, who has more than 35 years of pertinent involvement in the oil business. Mr. Ritson is an individual from the General public of Petroleum Designers (SPE), a Dynamic Individual from the American Relationship of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and is a Kindred of the Topographical Society of London.
For more data, please visit: http://www.lgo-energy.com
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good article
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